How to Secure Your Website From Cyber Attacks?

Maintaining a website is a tedious task, especially when it comes to cyberattacks done by hackers. Every business website will be subjected to cyberattacks, and the trick lies in knowing how to avoid external powers from intruding into your personal space.

This article will throw light on some of the most appropriate steps a business can take to defend themselves from the most common cyberattacks.

Let us first understand the two popular hacking methods hackers use to enter your website.

Software Vulnerability

This includes:

  • Cross-site Scripting or XSS– This is a technique by which the start page of a website is made vulnerable by hackers. When a user enters a page, the hacker establishes the connection with the computer.


  • Structured Query Language (SQL) injection– It is a string command that is injected in search boxes, URLs, and login pages. This forces the database to give up the data.


  • Incorporation vulnerabilities– Due to the uncertainty involved in malicious coding, spiteful users can make use of the basic mechanics to carry out their code if they found a particular website application useful.


Access Control

Brute Force Mechanism- This creates a list of passwords with the keywords that are mostly used on your website. This helps the hacker to prepare a combination of passwords and usernames until he finds the right match for logging in and using your website. Users must know how to create a secure website login to stay safe from such threats.

Methods to Secure Your Website From Cyber Attacks

When creating and developing your website, you must keep in mind the website security checklist. It lists ways to protect your website from hackers and viruses and enlists the following points.

  • Check Access Control– Set usernames and passwords that are hard to guess. Store data and information at the admin level of your website that the hackers cannot gain access to. It is also important to change the default database prefix. As email accounts are also subject to hacking, the frequency of login attempts must be limited within a certain period of time.


  • Updating Everything– Plugins, themes, software, and website applications must be regularly updated. If one hacker gains access to the program, it might give way to hundreds of others as well. Failing to update your website might make it vulnerable to cyber attacks as hackers can scan thousands of websites within an hour. Without regular updation, you will not get the benefit of the new security features that were updated in the new version.


  • Tightening Network Security– Access paths to site servers might be granted to the hackers by the computer users in your office. Be sure to set strong passwords, and they must be changed frequently. Login sessions must expire following a small period of inactivity. All the devices must be checked for malware. Web security antivirus must be installed. It is important to also avail top website security services.


  • Regular Back-ups– Every small detail must be backed up. Back-ups must be done both off-site and on-site and must be done numerous times a day. The data is saved in numerous locations when a user backs up. This way, you will not lose your data if the hard drive fails.


  • Installing the Web Application Firewall (WAF)– It is present between the site server and the data connection and records all information passing through it. Free website security software are also available. All hacking efforts are blocked. It sorts out unwanted traffic and provides security as a service. Comodo cWatch is a cloud-based software that explains the ways of protecting online website operations from hackers.


  • Admin pages must be hidden away. The robots_txt file must be used so that the search engines will not be able to record the admin pages. It will make it more tedious for hackers to trace an admin page and a locked website if they are not indexed.


  • Installing Security Applications– Several charged and free of cost plugins, and security applications are available that cause problems for hackers. Plugins such as Acunetix WP security hides the individuality of the website’s Content Management System (CMS) by offering extra safety measures. This gives you more power to withstand the computerized hacking tools hunting the web. Acunetix WP security shows you the methods of creating a secure website with WordPress.


  • Using an Intranet– Companies use the intranet that is a private network of their own for sharing information. Numerous companies use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology for online shopping that is a standard encryption tool Encryption refers to a suitable intranet security policy that is used to transform data into an unidentifiable form. Web addresses containing HTTPS in the front are the ones that are encrypted, and they use SSL. Data encryption provides both external and internal website security.



n today’s context, we are faced with new and constantly evolving threats on a daily basis. This implies that some of the biggest dangers are the ones we have never heard of yet. Though no security solution is impervious to attacks, bringing the conversation of cybersecurity to the forefront and raising awareness is the need of the hour. It is essential to train yourself and your organization to be vigilant about security. To know more about cybersecurity certifications, you can check out Global Tech Council.

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