How Artificial Intelligence & Data Science are Fighting Against Coronavirus

As the outburst of Coronavirus is increasing globally, it is vital to keep ourself updated. This article illustrates how advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and data science can be useful in fighting against the pandemic virus.


Learning Of Blog

  • Overview- Coronavirus and Advanced Technologies
  • Ways advanced technologies are tackling the pandemic
  • The verdict


Overview- Coronavirus and Advanced Technologies


The outburst of Coronavirus is initiated from China since December 2019. As this outburst is increasing globally, it is quite understandable that the world needs a safe and quick solution to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Advanced Technologies such as Data Science, Artificial Intelligence can help fight against Coronavirus attack. People are using machine-advanced solutions to compete with this pandemic worldwide attack.


The current possible way to cope with Covid-19 virus is to track the virus in a better way. The better the pandemic virus get traced, the superior we can manage it.


Artificial Intelligence and various other advanced technologies are beneficial in fighting with Coronavirus in many ways. This includes scanning of drugs, development of vaccines for pandemic virus, repurposed for drugs, tracking of forecast outburst, development of antibodies for the pandemic attack, fast delivery of healthcare products, fever detection, deep learning tracking model, drones delivery of healthcare products and so forth.


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Ways Advanced Technologies are Tackling the Pandemic 


Tackling the emergence of a new global pandemic is a complicated task. Advancements in artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies are helping the world to deal with its real-time monitoring capabilities to know the infection cases.


Although there are many ways, here we have listed the five ways in which these advanced technologies are fighting and tackling the pandemic.


BlueDot Using Data Analytics Technology


Data Analytics technology has transformed the way of tracking outbreaks. BlueDot is one of the artificial intelligence technology that has evolved machine learning systems to identify the possibility of a pandemic virus. The BlueDot platform uses data analytics technology to prevent and map the virus. The BlueDot platform also uses Natural Language Processing tool to trace pandemic virus around worldwide. The outburst of SARS pandemic is predicted by BlueDot technology and the outbreak of COVID- 2019 is another proof of this powerful BlueDot technology.


Insilico Medicine Technology


Insilico Medicine is currently one of the developing technology, or we can say a new AI system for drug discovery and drug development process that dramatically accelerates the process from years to days. This technology will notify the doctors about the analyzed fragments to fight with the disease, and the technology is believed to be accurate and fast in providing feedback related to molecules. This technology is beneficial to develop information related to the molecular database against COVID-19.


AI identifying and Diagnosing the Pandemic Virus


The advanced technology of Artificial Intelligence is useful in the identification of non-compliance persons. The technologies such as Sense Time software, Smart helmets power, Health Code, Big Data are very beneficial to access and identify the travel history of an individual. These technologies are helpful in the identification of infected persons.


Also, it helps diagnose and monitor efficiently. This compound of AI technology improves and enhances the diagnosis speed, which further manages to fight with Coronavirus outbreak.


AI-enabled Chatbots and Robots 


Chatbots acts as an essential communication tool for sharing necessary information whenever required like, for example, they keep travellers updated about the latest travel disruptions if any. Also, it enables individuals to access free online health consultation services through it. Robots help in reducing the amount of human to human interaction as they have the capabilities of cleaning, sterilizing and even delivering foods and medicines at the time of calamities like COVID-19.

Want to learn chatbot in detail? Checkout chatbot online courses here.


Contributing Technologies 

Drone Technology: One of the fastest ways to deliver healthcare products during this outburst is with drone technology as drone systems use its aerial vehicles for transportation facilities.


GIS Technology: Geographical Information System is a framework for gathering, managing, analyzing and integrating different types of data. It can identify problems, monitor change, perform forecasting and understand trends.


This is a kind of information technology that is intended to facilitate risk assessment and timely outbreak detection and can be useful for stopping the extend of the pandemic virus as well.


The Verdict 


AI and other advanced technologies are the new methods for global infectious disease surveillance and advances in epidemic modelling aimed to predict and prevent future contagious diseases threats. These technologies have become crucial in helping societies to deal with the outbreak effectively. As these technologies are evolving rapidly, thus new tools are becoming more available, search engine algorithms are improving, and computational speed is increasing allowing for the development of more advanced inspection methods and more accurate predictive models.


Want to learn these amazing technologies? Check out Global tech Council for AI certification, Data Science training and more.


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