Top 5 Innovative IoT Use Cases in Healthcare

Smartwatches, devices, and wearables are everywhere these days. Isn’t it?

We simply can’t overestimate the importance of IoT in today’s world. On a daily basis, most of the individuals utilize IoT-powered devices at least once. For instance, when you use your smartwatch to track your workout, you are indirectly using the capabilities of the Internet of Things.

Due to all these amazing benefits of IoT certifications, it is widely utilized in healthcare too. In fact, the adoption of IoT is increasing as we speak. Let’s see how it influences the functioning of the healthcare sector.

Learning Of Blog

  • Use Case of IoT for Healthcare

o Remote Monitoring
o Better Medicine Management
o Device Health Management
o Tracking inventory
o Address Chronic Illnesses

  • Conclusion

Healthcare can benefit a lot from the data-processing abilities of the Internet of Things. This is why, in this article, we will discuss how IoT experts can transform the healthcare industry.

Use Case of IoT for Healthcare

The Internet of Things can help healthcare units to reduce costs of execution to a great extent. You can improve your structure, streamline health-related workflows, and enhance the efficiency of your systems. Here’s how:

1. Remote Monitoring

Before IoT came along, monitoring of patients outside the hospital was minimal – almost close to zero. This is because it was not possible for the hospital and doctors to remotely evaluate the patient. For instance, if a patient was admitted to the hospital for a particular illness, there is no way of tracking data after discharge. So, once the patient walks out of the hospital, they need to visit explicitly for the checkups. The doctor can’t evaluate their health without that.

But, now IoT allows doctors to remotely monitor the health of the patient through captured data from smart devices and sensors. This helps in monitoring serious and non-critical conditions without having to go out of the way. Further, this even helps in avoiding post-discharge complications, which are very common in multiple patients. The number of sensor abilities that IoT has given us helps us monitor blood pressure, weight, etc. Some devices even alert when a patient falls.

All these features have made remote monitoring possible – a significant part of our life today.

2. Better Medicine Management

The medicine management is achieved in multiple ways through IoT:

  • The first use case is to gauge the quantity or administer medicine. For instance, if a child is being given an inhaler, there’s no way of knowing how much medicine is inhaled. However, IoT sensors make it possible for accurately monitoring administration, which can be later adjusted by the doctor.


  • For some drugs or medications, we already have available onboard sensors. These sensors help in understanding the level of absorption of medicine by the patient.


  • The most basic and most useful way is monitoring the routine of the patient. The doctor can track if the patient has followed the recommended regimen of medicine. Here, the sensor can also be used to send alerts to the patients, which can help them follow the routine or schedule given by the doctor.



3. Device Health Management

There are multiple health devices that are utilized by hospitals. These devices are critical, especially the ones that support human life. However, due to the mechanical nature of the components of devices, these can also suffer failure and wear and tear. If that happens, these devices may not be available in the time of need, which can put the patient at risk.

To avoid that, IoT sensors are installed. These sensors help in measuring the health of the machine. Once there are visible markers that indicate issues in the device or probable need for maintenance, the sensors can indicate that to the relevant department. Hence, a proactive strategy is utilized to avoid the issue even before it arrives.

4. Reduced Wait Time

Regardless of the money that you spend on your health, the emergency room waits can be long. You may have to wait for hours for your turn. This is exhausting and risky for the patient as well as the team that is managing the queue.

IoT can help in reducing emergency waiting room time for patients who need immediate inpatient care. These patients are immediately admitted to the hospital. This is possible because IoT experts have created a tool for monitoring hospital resources, which are correctly allocated automatically to reduce emergency care time.

5. Therapy Support

Through IoT, physicians, and doctors can gather a huge amount of data pertaining to every patient they see. Using this data, the physician can improve therapy offered to the patient.

For example, if a patient is being given Therapy A for 6 months but the result is not according to the desired progress, then IoT can highlight these markers and even recommend alternate routes based on data.


IoT experts can help us improve healthcare systems. Traditionally, the adoption of IoT was not widely utilized. However, since visible markers of its efficiency and needs of the customer are surfacing to the front seats, more and more healthcare units are adopting the Internet of Things and its inventions.

If you also wish to develop or utilize a system like this, complete an IoT certification from Global Tech Council.


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