5 Incredible Role of Big Data in Education

The concept of data is not new. It dates back to an age before computers. When even information technology was an extremely new concept, data was still around to help scientists.

The situation is not entirely different today. We generate more than 2.5 quintillion data bytes each day. That’s a huge amount of data. What would you do with so much data? What’s the point of spending on architecture which collects this data but never uses it?

To help you understand how data can be beneficial for the education sector, we have prepared a small guide.

  •     How Can Education Industry Use Big Data?

o   Find Answers

o   Reduce Costs

o   Student Results

o   Career Prediction

o   Enhanced Experience

  •     Conclusion

Education stakeholders can leverage the power of the data by extracting valuable insights, which can be utilized for improved decision-making. Let’s see how.

How Can Education Industry Use Big Data?

The education industry gathers a very large amount of data. Think about it; every time a student is posting a question, data is generated. Similarly, every time the Quora community or any other community rushes to answer this question; more data is generated.

How this data helps? Let’s find out.

1.  Find Answers

It is not uncommon for education stakeholders to face challenges as far as complex questions are concerned. There so many methods and techniques that one of them is bound to slip away. Using big data, you can find answers to these complex situations.

Not only this, but you can also find answers to other factors. For instance, your enrollment progress or decline. Since you have data from previous years, it is easy to analyze these factors without any issue with big data.

Here are some of the answers you can find with big data experts:

  •        A decline in enrollment in a particular department.
  •       Low registration in a particular class.
  •       The classes that can be merged for improved productivity.

2.  Reduce Costs

Big data experts can improve your resource utilization and cost-effectiveness in multiple ways:

The resources utilized by any educational institution is more, almost increasing every year. These resources have costs, which are accommodated in the budget year after year. With big data, proper resource utilization can be achieved. This can help you reduce the costs of the business.

For example, the need for stationery can be predicted beforehand from previous data to avoid overstocking this inventory. Another example is improving resource utilization in terms of space and elements used by classrooms. If two classes have full strength, but the other two have half, then merging can help in optimum utilization. This scenario can be well-assessed with big data experts.  Another way to use big data in cost optimization is for recruitment strategy. Every year, you have some students who are likely to complete, fail, or drop out. The updated data, current, and past, can help in developing high acceptance processes and training methods. This can allow improvisation for an enhanced success rate.

3.  Student Results

Traditionally, every evaluation system judges the academic growth of the student throughout the year. Once the exams are conducted, results are out and the winner is clear.

How demotivating? Isn’t it?

Not every student can be an A-performer in academics. Some are good at one subject and others are good at sports. Considering all these factors for a comprehensive result is the right route for assessment and results now. Big data is the technology that can help in getting similar results in this manner. In fact, big data experts can help you separately evaluate the performance of students in different fields for a better, end-to-end analysis.

4.  Career Prediction

Career progress is important for every student. However, leading on the right career path is extremely difficult. This means that it is not unlikely for students to set foot on the wrong career path due to peer pressure.

Educational institutes can mitigate this risk through big data. Big data experts can help in evaluating the performance in different areas, as discussed above. Using this data, the candidate can make the right decision and move in the right direction.

5.  Enhanced Experience

We have so much amount of data that it is hard for us to manage it. This data can be effectively put to use. We can find out efficient training and learning methods through data analysis and big data. These insights can help teachers in adopting methods, which are more feasible for students. This can increase the overall efficiency of the education industry.

Additionally, teachers can assess the aptitude of different students for customized learning plans. This allows the teacher to focus more on students facing issues.


There’s no doubt in the fact that big data experts can improve the functioning and workflows of the education sector. Hence, read the above data to understand the benefits of big data and start implementing it in your organization.


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