Throughout the evolution of humankind, we have always aimed to achieve things that make our life easier by freeing us from laborious tasks. Just take, for example, the invention of the wheel, which revolutionized how we transport things, then thousands of years later came the computer and the internet. Every generation, we are making progress with one ultimate aim: to make our lives easier. So at this age, we are at the threshold where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking over our lives and reducing manual labor by leaps and bounds. We have used AI to crunch numbers and solve problems from behind the screen to advance in defense technologies and space exploration. Due to this, artificial intelligence certification and experts in the field are the most demanding and sought-after positions.
But it will surprise you to know how much AI has penetrated our lives, from enhancing customer care experience to training employees. Yes, you heard it right. Companies have been using AI to train their employees. So in this article, we will see how AI is transforming the way we train our employees.
7 ways by which AI is transforming employee training
With its understanding of human psychology and teaching methods, Artificial Intelligence is the best bet for improving the learning and development of employees. As a result, it makes Artificial Intelligence experts hopeful about its massive benefits for training employees.
Gone are the days when employees are shown the same boring presentation of how your company functions and workflow. It was inefficient and undermined the modern flexibility business requires.
- AI supports customized learning
Millennials want tailor-made things, starting from our coffee mugs to our Facebook feed. The mentality of one size fits all has taken a jump down the window. Training employees with AI helps us achieve the customization we need. It easily adapts to the needs of each employee.
We all know that everyone has a distinct set of knowledge and different learning speeds, so instead of putting all the employees through the same video lectures, AI helps them learn at their own pace. Surprisingly, this saves time, as employees will grab much more information and remove the prospect of retraining.
- AI provides engaging training
We understand things better when we engage with them. Visualizing and directly tackling a problem makes it much easier to solve. It keeps us engaged in the task, and we retain it for a long time. AI learns the pattern of how humans think and interact with the problem at hand. It then delivers content that will suit individuals by providing visual cues, gamifying the process, and making employees compete with one another.
- AI makes soft skill training easier
Soft skills are one of the most important factors determining how far you will go on the ladder of success. It also provides you with the flexibility modern organizations demand. AI developers can make applications that help integrate soft skills into the training routine of employees.
For example, we can build an AI on which Employees can practice their sales pitches. Additionally, it will help ease the awkwardness, boost confidence, and make them more assertive in their job. The AI can also provide feedback on the pitch and help improve upon it. Thus benefiting both the employee and the organization.
- Improving completion rates
Most of us are victims of finding an online course boring and leaving it mid-way. To be honest, we are not the only ones as studies found that a staggering 85% of people leave online courses without completing them.
With the help of machine learning and AI, the organization can provide relevant study material which the employee finds interesting and can easily engage with them. It will help increase completion rates.
- Adaptive Assessments
We develop most tests without taking into account the capability of the students. Some find the test extremely easy, while others drown in the test. Artificial intelligence experts can create tests that adapt according to each employee and judge people based on their skills.
This can also provide better insights into each employee’s strengths and weaknesses. It can also provide updated content based on the result of the assessment. Without a doubt, this will help improve the quality of employees and benefit the organization.
- AI makes Training Accessible for all
It takes a lot of time to create content for learning and development. But most of them are focused on non-disabled people. Experts with AI certification can create applications that will make content available for all.
For example, having an improved search functionality, having an AI automate text to speech, and even automatic language translations will go a long way in making training accessible for people all around the globe. Even applications that automatically reduce flashes and other light effects can help people with light-induced seizures. The possibility of improving and easing life for people with disabilities with the help of AI is limitless.
- AI-based digital tutors: the future of learning
A study sponsored by DARPA found that using AI tutors to teach Navy recruits reduces the time to become experts in technical subjects. The study also found that recruits outperform technical experts with experience of over 10 years.
The findings highlight an opportunity to implement AI-based tutors into the lives of students and employees. Hence, it will ensure that employees can easily gain in-demand skills to the levels that can challenge experts in that field.
AI is not leaving the Employee Training landscape anytime soon. The demand for AI developer and Artificial Intelligence Certification will touch new heights. Bringing AI into the picture will help avoid employees’ excuses for not completing their training and even up-scaling themselves.
The key resources of any company are not its patents, nor its money, or any other leverage. Employees are the foundation of a company. They can make or break any company. So companies are set to benefit largely by implementing AI training in their programs to create better employees and by helping build a robust company.