How Data Brokers Undermine Cybersecurity and Ways to Take Back Control

How Data Brokers Undermine Cybersecurity and Ways to Take Back Control

Have you ever wondered how much data companies hold on you without your knowledge? In today’s digital world, data brokers operate behind the scenes to gather immense troves of personal information that could put your privacy at risk. In this post, we will discuss how data brokers obtain your information, the risks posed by such widespread profiling, and, most importantly, practical steps you can take to tighten your cybersecurity against unwarranted data collection. 

How Information is Gathered

Data brokers gain access to information from a variety of public and commercial databases. They can quietly gather data about people through the apps and websites we use each day by incentivizing app developers. 

Another way of collecting information is through public records that are available online, such as voter registration documents or birth certificates. In addition, the internet is filled with digital trails. Posts someone has shared or engaged with, surveys they have filled out, competitions they have entered, and websites they have visited can all reveal personal information. 

Role of  Data Brokers in Compromising Cyber Security

These entities make enticing targets for hackers because they hold enormous volumes of very private information. 

  • Identity Theft and Phishing

One of the main risks brokers face is identity theft. Hackers can steal or buy info from them and misuse it by creating fake accounts or getting credit in the person’s name. They can also craft emails pretending to be from a reliable source, asking for sensitive information like passwords or credit card details.

  • Manipulation

Data brokers sell personal information primarily for marketing and targeted ads. For many people, this may be harmless or even helpful if relevant offers are shown to them. However, it can also cause issues for individuals who end up facing manipulative marketing tactics for products or services they don’t want or political manipulation based on their details.

  • Exposure of Sensitive Information

The data collected and shared by brokers could potentially lead to harm against individuals without their knowledge or ability to fix the problem. For instance, a person could be denied a mortgage due to information in their data profile. Sensitive data points like race, religion, sexual orientation, health conditions, and political views could potentially be used to discriminate unfairly. 

Guarding Your Details

Now, let’s have a look at some of the steps you can take to protect yourself. 

  • Utilize Data Removal Services 

Some companies help scrub personal information from the internet. They search widely used websites and databases that collect and sell consumer data, looking for any details linked to you. After finding your details, they make requests to have them removed. 

Be selective when choosing one of these digital cleanup services. To make an informed decision, you can read reviews from real users to understand the quality of service. One such reputable service is DeleteMe. You can go through Abine’s DeleteMe review online to understand how the service works.

  • Limit Online Sharing and Digital Footprint

Be selective about what information you share online. Only share necessary details, and avoid sensitive data like your address and phone number. Manage your digital footprint by uninstalling apps you no longer use. Carefully check the privacy settings on all your devices, apps, and social media accounts. 

  • Use Privacy Tools

You can protect your privacy using virtual private networks (VPNs) and secure web browsers. VPN masks your IP address and encrypts your internet connection, preventing companies from tracking you. Secure browsers block tracking tools so your activities can’t be linked back to you.


While data brokers work behind the scenes, their effect on our online experiences is substantial. Living in today’s digital world demands vigilance. By educating ourselves and taking prudent steps, we can feel more secure and empowered when engaging with technology.