What is Double in C?

What is Double in C?

Many programming tasks require handling numbers with precision, and choosing the right type of data to store these numbers is crucial. When you’re working with C programming, you will come across a data type called double. It is essential for handling numerical precision in many programming scenarios. But what is double in C? Let’s find out!

What is Double in C?

In C programming, “double” refers to a type of data that can hold numbers with decimal points, such as 3.14 or 0.01. It’s called “double” because it has double the precision compared to a “float,” another data type for decimals. This means a “double” can store more detailed and accurate numbers, which is useful in calculations that need high accuracy. The “double” type takes up more space in a computer’s memory than a “float,” but it can handle bigger and more precise numbers.

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Syntax for Declaration

In C programming, when you want to use a double-precision floating point variable, you need to declare it in your code. To declare a double variable, you simply write the word double followed by the name you want to give to your variable. For example:

double myNumber;

This line of code tells the computer that myNumber is a variable that will store a decimal number with double precision.

Initialization of Double Variable

Initialization means giving your variable a value at the time you declare it. For a double variable, you do this by assigning it a decimal value. Here’s how you can declare and initialize a double variable at the same time:

double myNumber = 10.5;

In this example, myNumber is a double variable that is initially set to 10.5. You can choose any decimal value to initialize your double variable.

How to Print the Double Value in C?

To print a double value in C, you can use the printf function, which is part of the C standard library. Here’s how to do it:

  • First, make sure to include the stdio.h header at the top of your C program. This header file contains the necessary code for input and output operations. Here’s how you do it:

#include <stdio.h>

  • In your main function or any other function where you want to print a double value, you can use the printf function. The format specifier for a double in printf is %f. Here is an example:

int main() {

 double value = 9.87654321;

 printf(“The value is: %f\n”, value);

 return 0;


  • Compile and run your program. If you are using a command-line tool like GCC, you would compile your program using a command like gcc -o myprogram myprogram.c and then run it by typing ./myprogram in your terminal. The output should display “The value is: 9.87654321”.

Representation of Double in C

In C programming, the double data type is used to handle floating-point numbers with high precision. This data type is particularly useful when you need to work with numbers that require a lot of decimal places or when you want to maintain accuracy across extensive calculations. Here’s an overview:

  • Storage: A double occupies 64 bits of memory, or 8 bytes. This is double the amount used by a float, which is why it’s called “double.”
  • Components: The 64 bits of a double are divided into three parts: 1 bit for the sign (indicating positive or negative), 11 bits for the exponent (which determines the scale of the number), and the remaining 52 bits for the mantissa (or fraction), which stores the actual number digits.
  • Precision: Double data types can represent numbers from about 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308, and they are accurate up to about 15-17 decimal places.
  • Usage: You would typically use a double in scenarios where the precision of a float (single precision) is not sufficient, such as in scientific calculations, complex algorithms that require precise decimal results, or when handling very large or very small numbers.

The double data type follows the IEEE 754 standard for floating-point arithmetic. It is a widely adopted system for representing real numbers that allows for the high precision and range needed in many scientific and financial applications.

Some Programs of Double Data Type in C

  • Calculating Circle Area

You can use doubles in C to calculate the area of a circle. Declare a double for the radius and another for the area. The area can be calculated as π times the square of the radius. For π, you can use 3.14159 as an approximation. Here’s a simple structure for such a program:

#include <stdio.h>


int main() {

    double radius, area;

    printf(“Enter the radius: “);

    scanf(“%lf”, &radius); // Read the radius from user

    area = 3.14159 * radius * radius; // Calculate the area

    printf(“The area of the circle is: %.2f\n”, area); // Print the area

    return 0;



  • Converting Temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit

Another common use of doubles is for converting temperatures. For example, to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, you can multiply the Celsius temperature by 1.8 (or 9/5) and then add 32. Here’s how you might set up this program:

#include <stdio.h>


int main() {

    double celsius, fahrenheit;

    printf(“Enter temperature in Celsius: “);

    scanf(“%lf”, &celsius); // Read Celsius temperature

    fahrenheit = celsius * 1.8 + 32; // Convert to Fahrenheit

    printf(“Temperature in Fahrenheit: %.2f\n”, fahrenheit); // Print Fahrenheit temperature

    return 0;



  • Simple Interest Calculator

Use doubles to calculate simple interest, which can be a straightforward application demonstrating the use of basic arithmetic operations. The formula for simple interest is Principal * Rate * Time.

#include <stdio.h>


int main() {

    double principal, rate, time, interest;

    printf(“Enter principal amount: “);

    scanf(“%lf”, &principal);

    printf(“Enter rate of interest: “);

    scanf(“%lf”, &rate);

    printf(“Enter time (in years): “);

    scanf(“%lf”, &time);

    interest = (principal * rate * time) / 100; // Calculate simple interest

    printf(“The simple interest is: %.2f\n”, interest);

    return 0;


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Why Do We Use Double Data Type in C?

In C programming, we use the double data type mainly because it can hold larger and more precise numbers compared to the float data type. The double type allows you to work with numbers that have more digits after the decimal point, which makes it suitable for calculations requiring high accuracy, like scientific measurements or financial calculations.

For example, if you were working with a value like the average distance between the Earth and the sun, which is a very large number with many decimal points, using double would help maintain the precision of that number throughout your calculations.

Here’s why we use the double data type:

  • Accuracy: Double data types can hold more precision, which means they can keep track of more decimal places compared to float types. This is crucial in calculations where even a tiny error can lead to significant changes in results.
  • Range: Doubles have a wider range than floats. This means they can hold much larger or smaller numbers, which is beneficial when you’re working with very high or very low values.
  • Standard in Calculations: In many mathematical functions and operations, using double for calculations is the default standard. This is because it ensures that the outcomes are as accurate as possible.

Float vs Double Data Type in C


Feature Float Double
Precision Single precision (32-bit) Double precision (64-bit)
Decimal Accuracy Up to 7 decimal places Up to 15-17 decimal places
Memory Usage Uses less memory (4 bytes) Uses more memory (8 bytes)
Range 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38 2.3E-308 to 1.7E+308
Special Values Supports NaN, Infinity Supports NaN, Infinity
Default Value 0.0 0.0
Performance Faster Slower
Special Values Supports NaN, Infinity Supports NaN, Infinity

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Understanding the ‘double’ data type in C helps programmers manage precision in numerical computations effectively. In this article, we have discussed what it is and why it is so important. With this knowledge, developers can make informed decisions about when and how to use ‘double’ in their projects, ensuring their applications run smoothly and efficiently.

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