Artificial Intelligence in HR Industry- Top Use Cases Explained

From Alexa to self-driving cars, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming almost every existing industry across the globe. Due to such widespread influence and disruption, companies are gradually integrating their Human Resource practices with Artificial Intelligence. With the advent of online education over the past decade, there are thousands of AI certification courses that provide Artificial Intelligence training from the comfort of your home.

Artificial Intelligence is a technology by which a system learns and performs an action based on its previous experiences. It is a collective umbrella term for various advanced technologies such as machine learning (ML), predictive analytics, deep learning, NLP, etc.

The inclusion of Artificial Intelligence in a professional’s toolbox has seen a massive jump from 32% of workers using the technology in 2018 to 50% of workers as per an Oracle/ Future Workplace report. In another survey from IBM, almost two-third of CEOs believe AI has the power to revolutionize the HR industry.

Learning of Blog

  • Top Use Cases of AI in HR
  1. Workforce Planning
  2. Making the recruitment process more efficient
  3. Reducing Human Bias in Recruitment
  4. Culture and HR Maintenance
  • Conclusion

Let us see how firms are making the best use of Artificial Intelligence to improve the existing practices followed in their HR department in an employee’s life cycle from recruitment to learning to performance to career management.

Top Use Cases of AI in HR


1) Workforce Planning

AI-based analytics can look at business patterns, economic conditions, headcount, and other variables. With all the data generated daily through the platforms, a more detailed analytics report can be produced, which firms can use to plan things well in advance.

Companies can use these stats to help forecast the number of employees needed, crucial positions to fill, the geographic distribution of staff, skill, and competency gaps. It can analyze large amounts of data and can help determine pay offers to applicants and salary increases for staff, thus providing a rock-solid foundation for setting levels of bonuses and rewards. It also has the power to observe minute details such as whether an employee submitted their work sample through Glassdoor or LinkedIn.

2) Making the Recruitment Process More Efficient

AI can significantly help automate repetitively and non-value adding tasks, thus reducing the time taken by many folds. This gives HR professionals the opportunity for other tasks, such as relationship building and strategic workforce planning.

Recruitment drives often receive a high number of applications. AI can help in automating CV screening, thereby increasing selection efficacy. It also has the potential to understand and enhance employer brand. It can identify candidate perceptions and preferences of diverse applicants on employer review sites as well as empower companies to make faster decisions by:

  • Accessing up-to-date information
  • Spotting trends through pattern recognition

Organizations can get data on candidate attention span, adaptability, detail orientation, and integrity. AI can assess verbal and non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and intonation. These can provide additional objective data points to the decision-makers before a face to face interaction. It can help identify the candidate who is a perfect fit for the job and the organization based on potential rather than past performance. The automation of administrative tasks provides recruiters more time to assess the candidate’s needs, desires, and values.

3) Reducing Human Bias in Recruitment

AI can help source passive candidates and build a talent pipeline. Greater potential of Artificial Intelligence lies in making the process of recruitment more objective by reducing conscious recruiter bias. For example, a chatbot reaches out to a candidate and asks some pre-screening questions. Chatbots can provide a natural, human-like communication tool that engages the user in personalized conversations. Based on the collected data, it scores the candidate and gives the result to the recruiter by ranking the candidates in real-time. Candidate assessment can also be done through gamification using AI, making the process more engaging. Thus, a fair recruitment assessment is ensured at every step of the process, considering each and every candidate into consideration.

4) Culture and HR Maintenance

Employee mental health is of utmost importance. To remedy some ongoing cultural issues, AI can identify behaviors that cause poor work performance and disrupt the balance of your working environment. Traditionally, companies conducted reviews at fixed periods— quarterly or annually. But with AI tools, you can review performance in real-time.

Consuming content regularly can help platforms learn about preferences and the types of content that would likely be seen thus, creating a personalized recommendation for every employee in the organization. AI solutions help build customized learning programs to make sure all staff improves their productivity, acquires new skills, and grow to their full potential. Artificial intelligence is one way we can connect an entire employee population in order to understand their needs.


AI-based HR applications raise a bar in employee productivity. It can diagnose, analyze, predict, and become a capable resource while focusing more on employee needs and outcomes. At the same time, its important HR teams balance these advancements with transparency. It is very crucial to make sure the implementation of AI in this industry is successful. To gain more insight into AI practices, you can opt for either an advanced AI Certification Course or an Artificial Intelligence Course for Beginners and become a Certified Artificial Intelligence Expert, perhaps an AI developer yourself!


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