Have you ever heard of ‘Turnitin’ or ‘Grammarly’? The first is a plagiarism checker used globally by students and teachers, whereas the second, as the name suggests, is both a plagiarism and grammar checker. Tools like these have increased the efficiency of content creators. The content marketing industry is huge so much so that according to Forrester, USA marketers alone spent 10 billion dollars on content in 2016. B2B content marketing professionals aim always to boost the ROI, and the scope for growth has been limited because of conventional marketing processes that are manual and repetitive. The emergence of AI-driven content marketing platforms and automation is a boon to the businesses.
There are a few problems that content marketers face as they don’t know how the content compares to others in the industry. They need help with figuring out the desires of the audience. AI-driven tools can improve content creation by leaps. If you are interested in knowing more about AI, check out Global Tech Council’s artificial intelligence course for beginners.
Learning of the Blog
- What is AI?
- Applications
- Content automation
- Personalization
- Get keywords and topic inspiration
- Tools
- Final Thoughts
In this blog, we would shed light on AI applications in the content marketing industry and some useful tools developed by Certified Artificial Intelligence Experts.
What is AI?
Artificial Intelligence is used to power the fifth generation of computers that enables intelligent processes through automation and learning. These computers let us perform various tasks and are present in all areas of our lives. It is perceived as a threat to human employees, but in reality, it is there to add value to your job by optimizing processes and increasing productivity. With AI advances, computers can recognize emotions in speech and facial expressions, analyze and interpret images, understand and recreate human languages, process complex patterns in massive data, to say a few. There are several ways to automate content creation processes, such as using robot reporters, chatbots, logo makers, etc.
In this section, we discover ways of incorporating AI in content creation:
1. Content Automation
Content marketers don’t have it easy because of the avid demand for content. As a result, most marketers coming from fields like finance, publishing, e-commerce, insurance, and more have turned to AI solutions for scaling content creation. AI cannot write an entire article or blog post but can create small pieces of data like news updates, tweets, etc. using NLG.
Natural language generation (NLG) is a branch of AI that offers real-time content suggestions to create targeted content. Its algorithm can automatically generate narratives to describe structured data. Content creators use it for copyediting and analyzing content effectiveness. Product descriptions can be written by using this software.
2. Personalization
Personalization is a trending term in the content world because it positively influences customer’s feelings about a brand. This makes tailored content a top priority and has reported a 74% increase in customer engagement. AI advancements have made personalization feasible because of machine learning techniques that track consumer behavior and content interaction. AI can be used to create highly-personalized apps that can offer content experiences.
Personalization engines can create real-time comprehensive visitor profiles, deliver an Omnichannel experience, send out personalized emails, use predictive analysis for clickbait, develop recommendations, and more.
3. Get Keywords and Topic Inspiration
According to The State of Content Marketing Survey, 65 percent of businesses find it challenging to produce engaging content. AI can garner precious insights about keywords and topics in vogue along with their search volume, demand, ranking, etc. This speeds up the writing process and helps in creating customer-specific content. The algorithm of blog post idea generators works on user intent, and it is getting smarter with time by spotting patterns and user behavior. This helps companies improve their online ranking by helping shape the SEO strategy, targeting, and messaging.
Here, we list down some content marketing tools created by developers with certification in artificial intelligence that has made lives easy for content creators and marketers:
- Twinword-It is an AI-powered SEO tool with a speedy keyword research process that allows easy-to-understand visual formats.
- Keyword Tool-This helps you discover up to 20 long-tail keywords using Google Autocomplete.
- Keyword Country-It groups ten times the keywords in Google’s Keyword planner into ready-to-go concepts.
li style=”font-weight: 400;”>LSI Graph-It is a latent semantic Indexing keywords generator.
- Quill and Wordsmith-They are advanced NLG platforms for creating meaningful content
- Articoolo-IT simulates human writers and promises to deliver unique articles with word count specifications.
- WordAI-It spins around the words to create plagiarism free content.
- Atomic Reach-It deploys neural networks and machine learning to evaluate, optimize, and articulate content with target audience settings.
- Answer the Public- It is a tool that lets you see popularly asked questions based on the entered keyword.
- BrightEdge- A content creation tool with the intent signal to identify topics with the highest potential.
- OneSpot, CaliberMind, Personyze, Granify-offer relevant content experiences that boost conversion and engagements.
- Automizy, Mailchimp-determines the ideal timing and frequency of email campaigns.
- HubSpot-identifies topic clusters and offers suggestions.
- Buzzsumo- identifies search intent by gathering data like hot topics and search queries.
- Crayon- A competitive intelligence tool reveals the digital footprints of others in the business.
- Marketo- recommends content based on the company’s journey and audience.
Final Thoughts
The combination of machine learning and customer data is here to stay. As a critical component of digital marketing, content creation has massively benefitted from the revolution in AI, and so has ROI. The computer using technology created by a Certified Artificial Intelligence Developer can provide data organization, fresh ideas, story outlines, and user-generated content. The constant analysis of data in initial content creation processes can create personalized and targeted content. AI is believed to surpass the human brain by 2050; making ai certificate programs a necessity of jobs of the future!