How To Gain Organic Traffic Using Chatbots?

Wouldn’t you prefer complaining about a faulty product over chat than call?

Most of the millennials today prefer communicating through chat and text, which is why chatbots are becoming increasingly popular. Using these chatbots, many businesses are now enhancing their organic marketing efforts, offering customer service, product guidance, and carrying out other advertising tasks. Chatbots are one of the best methods for high performing lead generation – both organic and paid.

If you also want to utilize chatbots for your marketing efforts, here’s how you can do it.

Increasing Organic Traffic with Chatbots

1. Facebook’s Comment Guard Chatbot

Wouldn’t it be amazing if all your Facebook users also become your website users or better still leads?

Using Facebook’s amazing autoresponder chatbot, you can send an automatic response message to people who comment or engage on your Facebook. You can create a funnel to swoop these customers into your website and turn the whole conversation more engaging.

2.  Chat Blast

It is a given fact that many businesses use email marketing to generate leads and drive traffic to their website. In fact, the method seems legit as professionals can never leave their email messages behind.

However, another fact is that most people prefer to chat and it would any day steal the show when compared to email. You may not check your email immediately, but you wouldn’t miss chats for anything.

Hence, you can use chatbots to send bulk chat blasts for engaging your users. You can also customize these messages according to user preferences, demographics, and interests.

3. Chatbot Drip Campaign

The drip campaign is nothing but a series of messages sent to your new or existing users. Every message is the part of a funnel, and it leads users to your website. This strategy is amazing when you want to get your users acquainted with a complicated product or service.

However, here, you need to pay close attention to nurturing your leads according to their preference to ensure engagement throughout the pipeline.

4.  RSS-Powered Chatbot Blast

Whenever a business publishes a new blog content, its RSS feed is updated automatically. This feed can be integrated with your Facebook. It means that all your subscribers will get messenger notifications whenever you will update a new blog or post.

Since the probability of reading chat messages and push notifications on mobile (By messenger app) has a higher success rate, RSS chatbot blast work for a lot of people. Mobile users will additionally get messages on their phone, which further increases the chances of visiting the post.

5. Chatbot Link to Messenger

Anyone who messages your bot can be converted through robust, customized, and automated functioning. For instance, if a person messages your bot, you can send a link to your website in the end to convert this user. You can follow-up with users and lead them to sign-up or subscription of your website or blog.

Things to Remember

1. Bot Etiquette

Usually, people receive bot messages on their smartphones. Now, you should remember that no one likes to receive messages all day and they would be disturbed if you send messages at the wrong time. Hence, you need to research and be particular about the timing of notifications. If you operate in various countries, then take care of the time zones as well.

However, here, an exception is when some event is going on. Your users have willingly signed up for it so they are already prepared to receive notifications. Since they have signed up for your messages, you can skip the rule followed for the timing of notifications.

2.  Selling Rules

If you are selling products or services on messenger, ensure that you know the rules of it. Messenger has some terms and policies which you have to absolutely follow to avoid getting removed from the program. So, before starting your selling strategy, read the terms and conditions carefully and follow the rules.

3.  Email Versus Messenger Bots

Messenger bots are an extremely effective way of marketing today.


Because the messenger is currently not too exhausted with marketing messages. So, you can have a small group, but you can convert these faster and in a better manner. But, with email, the case is not the same. On email, you may have a huge audience, but most of these will delete your email even without even opening it.

Leverage the power of messenger bots while you still can.


The technology has so much scope. We can expect a similar functionality on WhatsApp in coming years or maybe a better, enhanced version on Facebook. Till then, focus on the great opportunity that you have right now and utilize it to convert more customers.

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