How will AI and Machine Learning Will Change Cyber Security?

Almost a decade back, the only source of entertainment that we had was through television units. Slowly and gradually the internet came along and we all moved to the digital channels immediately. Don’t you think?

However, when we moved to digital, cybersecurity concerns followed. This is why, today, all our accounts have passwords and multi-factor authentication. It is now easier for a hacker to steal data online. Most of the time, this happens so quickly and silently that the team has no idea what is going on until the damage is done. To overcome these risks and analyze that slim window which can help us avoid a cyber-attack, artificial intelligence and machine learning can help. In this article, we will understand how. 

Learning Of Blog

  •  How AI and ML are Empowering Cybersecurity?

o   Threat Detection

o   Password Protection

o   Prevention Control

o   Network Security

o   Analytics

  •  Conclusion

Cybersecurity professionals who are equipped to implement AI and ML can practically transform the industry. Let’s see how.

How AI and ML are Empowering Cybersecurity?

Almost every time, whenever a hacker is trying to reach your system or there is a potential threat on your servers, there are some pattern changes or ambiguity in the data environment. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can detect these patterns immediately to help the team stop the attack.

Here’s how this happens:

1. Threat Detection

Machine learning is essentially a sub-section of artificial intelligence. It is great for detecting and finding threats in your systems. In fact, machine learning empowers your computers to find anomalies through algorithms sooner than later. Since these algorithms have the ability to understand data and learn over time, the detection accuracy keeps improving; even when the outside (Hacking) environment is evolving. This means that even when the hacker devices a new method, machine learning keeps pace, which is not possible with traditional technology.

The traditional systems are not equipped to handle new attacks and evolving hacking environment. Something, which is easier for AI and ML.

2.  Password Protection

Let’s be honest here, we all are too lazy to device a strong password. Even when we end up with a strong password, we replicate it to multiple other accounts. This means that even if one of our accounts is hacked, all other accounts are under risk. If not that, then we may keep using the same password for multiple years; over and over again. This again increases the possibility of cyber-attack.

An alternative to this troublesome method is biometric authentication. However, even that is not that efficient. This is because any hacker can simply take your image and show it to the system for access. Would they be able to access your data?

Sometimes, yes.

However, for this reason, cybersecurity professionals are now using artificial intelligence to create a reliable system for identification. This tech captures your neural images and patterns. This means that this software would be able to identify you even when you are wearing a scarf, mask, or hat.

3.  Prevention Control

One of the most widely utilized cyberattacks is phishing emails. In reality, 1 in 99 email messages is a phishing email. These emails can give your system’s access to the hacker and from there on, you know the drill. There’s no going back. This also means that a silly mistake from a single employee can prove costly for the whole organization.

Using the capabilities of artificial intelligence and machine learning, phishing attacks can be identified before the user opens it. This is because AI and ML have the power to react to these attacks in a rapid manner – faster than humans. In fact, AI can quickly differentiate, which website is fake or true.

4.  Network Security

There are two things, which are very important for the network security of the organization: network topology and security policy. Both of these are time-consuming.

Fortunately, artificial intelligence can accelerate these workflows. It can observe the traffic patterns of the network to suggest policies, which are right for the organization. Through this, artificial intelligence helps in saving time of the resources and even improving the technical soundness of network security.

5.  Analytics

Analytics is everywhere; there’s no denying that. Artificial intelligence and machine learning-powered analytics are used by cybersecurity professionals to find patterns of abnormal behavior everywhere. This can be the number of times a user logged-in or the scrolling patterns of a single IP address.

Using this data, AI can find out unusual behavior to block these activities without any delay.


Although the thought of letting AI take over the world is threatening, we can’t deny the advantages of artificial intelligence and machine learning. With evolving cyber-attack methods, AI and ML can help cybersecurity professionals to achieve a better, secure structure. Hence, read the above pointers and start implementing AI and ML in your organization for improved cybersecurity.


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