Tips and Tricks to Crack Data Science Interview

Data science interviews are critical. You may know the right questions and you may know how to access the right tools, but you can still end up in the back seat. This is because data science is a complicated discipline which requires multiple technical and non-technical skills that should be acquired before going for an interview.

Hence, this article will discuss the tips that you can utilize to excel in your next data science interview.

Tips to Crack Data Science Interview

If you are giving interviews to acquire a full-time position as a data scientist, then read on. We have gathered some of the best tips which can help you enter the job without much hassle.

Know the Basics

This is the most important tip and we simply can’t stress on it more. As a data scientist, one thing that you should never miss is the basics. You need to know what goes into data science and what makes data science what it is.

This includes:

What is data science?

How can you differentiate in unsupervised and supervised learning?

How can you define underfitting and overfitting?

As a data scientist, the answers to these questions should have naturally come to you without thinking much. Just ensure that your answer is clear and to the point. Since basics form direct questions, you don’t have to stall your interviewer much. Give short and simple answers.

Prepare for your Role

Every data scientist role requires a different type of knowledge. As a data scientist, you should first decide which role you want to be in. You can’t just go to an interview and think that you want to be data scientist so you will take up any related job. Specialization never hurts, especially in this field.

You can be a data engineer, data analyst, business analyst, data science manager, statistician, etc.

Depending upon your job role, you should move forward. For example, if you wish to be a statistician, you should know mathematics, a lot of it. Contrary to this, if you wish to become a business analyst, you can go on with knowing only a little math.

Know Algorithms

There are chances that you already know many of the famous algorithms. But, wait. Is it really necessary?

We believe more than knowing the algorithms, you should know the idea behind it. Anyone can learn algorithms for an interview. You make the difference when you know the use cases and different scenarios where you can use these algorithms.

Along with this, data scientists are expected to know the tools, tricks, and other related science that goes behind these algorithms. Always remember having practical knowledge is more valuable than having book or theoretical knowledge.

Pro Tip: Understand how famous algorithms have helped in finding solutions to real-world problems. You should find real-life use cases and see how different algorithms have helped and modified applications.

Create a Digital Presence

One of the tips which is not related to your technical knowledge is to create a digital presence. Today, every recruiter checks their candidates online on Facebook and LinkedIn. You need to have a clean and professional online presence. Your LinkedIn profile should radiate your true work instead of “I am currently working in XYZ organization.” That is simply not good enough and if you check the profile of famous data scientists, you’ll understand that their profiles radiate their knowledge.

Study Online

There are millions of data sources and podcasts online. Utilize the information that you have at your disposal and learn from it. You don’t always need to have books or paid courses around. Sometimes, online data and YouTube videos are enough.

Take a Course

If you wish to have dedicated knowledge in a subject, prefer taking a course and understand the basic and complicated concepts of data science. This course will help you understand the theoretical aspects and also practice the concepts in real-world settings.

Taking a course online is specifically beneficial for a fresher or anyone who is just beginning their career in data science.


While above we have discussed everything that is related to the technical aspects of getting a job, this pointer is related to the non-technical aspect.

You may think that your communication is fine. But, think again.

As a data scientist, you have to evaluate data and find the story behind it. This story should be communicated to various teams who may or may not understand your technical terms. For instance, the marketing team. Hence, a data scientist should have the ability to evaluate and then communicate the results appropriately. Without this collaboration abilities, your knowledge is not useful.


Becoming a data scientist requires immense knowledge and consistent practice. Apart from technical knowledge, also focus on the non-technical aspects to do well in your interview.

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