Top 10 IoT Trends That Will Make it Big in 2020

In today’s technological era, the Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot topic that will only become even hotter in the future. IoT has become increasingly important for businesses as they use it increasingly to share information between people, processes, and things. By 2025, the total amount of data that is created by IoT devices is estimated to reach 79.4 zettabytes. This amounts to 29.4 trillion gigabytes. This represents a massive trove of information that is expected to be collected, stored, and analyzed by approximately 41.6 billion connected devices.

This denotes that 2020 will be an important year for IoT as solution providers are constantly building the infrastructure needed to support IoT applications.

So, What is IoT?

The Internet of Things is a system of interrelated computing devices which are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and can transfer data over networks without the need for human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT is a concept where devices such as washing machines, cell phones, coffee makers, lamps, headphones, etc. are connected to the internet via an on and off switch. In short, IoT refers to a giant network of connected things.

Top 10 IoT Trends For 2020

Let’s now analyze the top ten IoT trends that will make a huge positive difference to IoT in 2020.

1. Increased Conversion of Smart Cities

Today, smart cities have become the urban choice with several urban areas creating IoT services for smart city activities. With the help of IoT, smart cities will be expanding their reach far and wide in 2020. We will soon be able to witness intelligent cities that will be a result of investments in hi-tech technologies that will leverage data access between entities. Information collection devices such as cameras and video kiosks will be connected to the internet. Smart homes will soon become the preferred choice due to the integration of security systems and smart thermostats into newer homes.

2. Blockchain

For taking care of security and transactionality, it is important to integrate blockchain technologies into IoT frameworks. In 2020, research conducted by many renowned firms suggests that 20% of gadgets will make use of blockchain-based solutions. Spending in the blockchain IoT sphere is expected to increase from $174 million today to $573 million till 2023.

3. Silicon Chip Technology

IoT endpoints use regular processor chips. But these are not furnished to manage complex tasks. The embedded processors that are currently used are also not furnished to manage IoT gadgets from an inactivity or throughput point of view. These restrictions will now be addressed by the new age of SmartNICs, intelligent networking devices, and System on a Chip (SOC) for IoT and edge applications. In 2020, businesses will need to learn about silicon chip advancements to be able to use them to their maximum capacity.

4. Sensor Innovation

Sensors are a significant structure square of IoT frameworks as they help collect information about vibrations and weight or temperature and humidity. Chief Information Officers across all industries must always stay updated about new sensor developments as it would offer better business value.

5. Artificial Intelligence

As predicted by Gartner, the research and advisory firm, 14.2 billion connected things will be used between 2019 and 2020. CIO must also devise a plan to integrate AI with IoT. Massive amounts of data, when integrated with AI, will enable organizations to assume responsibility and move a portion of business processes computing to the edge.

6. IoT Metadata Will Become Important

The metadata that comes along with the data generated helps capture things like how and when the data is created. Metadata will help bring structure to unstructured data sets and will also help bring improvements in the way cognitive systems are developed.

7. Building Automation and Lighting Will Lead IoT’s Endpoint Growth

With smart meters being used increasingly in residential and commercial markets, the utility industry is the one that uses the maximum number of IoT endpoints. While it represented 1.2 billion endpoints in 2019, it is expected to represent nearly 1.4 billion in 2020.

8. Healthcare to Witness Increased IoT Adoption

In 2020, one of the important applications of IoT that will dominate the app development ecosystem is healthcare. As per a research report, by 2021, the internet of medical things will grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 26.2% and reach $72,000 million.

9. Software-as-a-Service Will Become the Norm

SaaS is a service model that is currently a hot topic. Here, the service provider hosts the desired application and makes it available for customers to use on the internet. This will help organizations outsource software applications.

10. Edge Computing Will Gain More Prominence

In 2020, more than cloud computing, edge computing will be adopted more by consumers. Previously, IoT devices were based on the cloud for storing data. Now, instead of sending the entire data to the cloud from the IoT device, the data will be transferred to a local device or at the edge of the network. This will reduce network traffic. It helps in easy management of large amounts of data.


I hope this article provided you with the right insights into the top ten IoT trends that will transform the IoT ecosystem for the better in 2020. Doing an IoT online certification will equip you with the knowledge needed to understand the IoT sphere. To know more about IoT certifications and to become an IoT Expert, check out Global Tech Council.

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