What is C#

What is C#?

Summary C# is a modern programming language developed by Microsoft, mainly for Windows application development. It was introduced in 2000 as part of Microsoft’s .NET initiative and designed to be…
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What is PHP

What is PHP?

Summary PHP, a server-side scripting language, is widely used in web development since its inception in 1994. It offers versatility, integrating with various databases, operating systems, and web servers. Key…
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What is Kotlin?

What is Kotlin?

Summary Kotlin is a free, open-source language compatible with Java, favored for Android development. Its concise syntax and safety features reduce common errors, enhancing app quality. Kotlin is used in…
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What is JavaScript?

What is JavaScript?

Summary JavaScript is a dynamic programming language primarily used for adding interactive elements to websites. It features an easy-to-understand syntax and structure, making it accessible for programming beginners and efficient…
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Programming Languages

Programming Languages

In the realm of computer science and software development, programming languages serve as the fundamental tools for instructing computers to perform specific tasks. From simple calculations to complex algorithms, programming…
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How Does SQL Work?

How Does SQL Work?

Summary SQL is essential for managing data in relational databases, acting as a communication tool between users and databases. It enables various operations like querying, updating, deleting, and modifying data…
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What is SQL?

What is SQL?

Summary SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a specialized programming language crucial for managing relational database management systems (RDBMS). Originating in the 1970s, SQL has become the standard for managing…
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