Top 5 Career Opportunities for a Virtual Reality Expert

Willing to make a switch to Virtual Reality but not sure about the career opportunities ahead? This article will surely give you the information you need to know about the career opportunities that wait for you.

  • Introduction
  • VR Game Engineer
  • VR Sound Effects Specialist 
  • UI Designer
  • Technical 3D Artist 
  • Mixed Reality Artist
  • Benefits of getting certified from Global Tech Council
  • Conclusion




Sometimes, it is good to escape our busy lives and move into a new dimension. This has helped technologies like AR and VR move into our lives and teleport us to a whole new and exciting experience.


Are there any benefits of gaining knowledge about newer technologies such as VR? Well, it is believed that VR is going to be as big as the internet and expected to know open exciting career opportunities for a virtual reality expert.

As VR moves deep into our lives, job opportunities are sure to grow. The gaming industry is already leveraging this revolutionizing technology, but sectors such as education, healthcare, automotive, sports, and others are sure to use VR to their advantage.


What do you need to do to move to VR? The answer is simple, go for a virtual reality certification. Below is the list of career opportunities that will unfold once you become a virtual reality expert and will help you shine in the coming years.


1. VR Game Engineer


Game engineering, in general, is a complex job role where the person has to design and develop a game. The process includes the use of 3D tools and other visualization techniques to produce interactive games. He is the backbone of game development and plays a vital role in almost every step of the development lifecycle, including designing, development, and testing.



The most wanted game engineering professionals in the industry are Unity developers and why shouldn’t they be? Unity 3D is a widely used game development platform and people with advanced knowledge of the same are as valuable as gold to game development companies.


Average salary: $90,000



2. VR Sound Effects Specialist 


VR games or applications are incomplete without suitable sounds. Thus, game development companies need people who can create original sounds that go with VR games and apps.



VR applications are meant to teleport users into a surrounding that is not only visually engaging but, involves other human senses such as touch, movement, and audio. Thus, making it essential to build a VR application that feels more real-like by incorporating suitable sounds.


A VR sound effects specialist takes care of creating sounds that complement the visuals and enhance the user experience by establishing an enriching interactive environment.


Average salary: $40,000


3. UI Designer


 Any application would be unstable without UI, making a huge demand for UI designers in the VR industry. This job requires a highly experienced and creative UI designer who is comfortable with the latest trends and technologies in the VR industry. Experience in the creation of storyboards and user flow models; along with Photoshop, Unity 3D, and designing skills is a must.



Average salary: $74,000



4. Technical 3D Artist


A technical 3D artist is one of the hottest job openings in the VR domain. A 3D artist is a virtual reality expert who is a part of every each step of a VR application (from designing to development). They work on complex parts of a VR application and contribute to the overall concept of the product. The role mainly focuses on making the virtual environment feel as real as possible.



Individuals looking for such roles should be equipped with the knowledge of Unity and/or Unreal engines along with creative artistic skills. They should also possess a good understanding of development systems and platforms.


Average salary: $53,000



5. Mixed Reality Artist 


Mixed reality artists are highly creative persons who have the knowledge and skillset of both AR and VR (together known as Mixed Reality or MR). Their responsibility is to make human to computer interaction fun. This is done by creating workflows for smooth visualization of virtual content, handling almost every aspect of 3D design in VR, including rendering actual images into VR.



The role requires a person to have in-depth knowledge of computer graphics, basic computer programming, and knowledge of popular game development engines.


Average salary: $100,000


Benefits of Getting a Virtual Reality Certification

You’ll find plenty of virtual reality courses on the internet, but a virtual reality certification from a reputed source can help you with better career opportunities. With a VR certification, you can get a deep understanding of the fundamentals of VR, advantages of VR, and challenges faced by VR in the current industry. Moreover, signing up for a formal virtual reality certification will help you to understand the advanced components of VR, including but not limited to, 3D graphics, mapping, and use cases. This gives you an opportunity to interact with like-minded VR enthusiasts and experts throughout the VR community.



We hope that this article improved your understanding of the different job openings in the VR domain and how virtual reality courses can help you grab the desired role. If you are interested in getting a certification in Virtual Reality, you can sign up for the course on Global Tech Council.

Always be creative and have the zeal to learn and grow. Who knows, you might become the next big thing in the VR industry.


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